How to fit and remove your contacts

Whether you’re using disposable or extended wear contact lenses, we’ve got a few tips from the team on how to put them in and take them out. Don’t worry – it’ll be second nature soon!
Putting your lenses in
- This is an easy one – start by washing your hands with a mild soap and water and dry them with a lint-free towel. It’s best not to use hand sanitiser – it’s a little harsh on the eyes and can irritate them.
- Stand in front of a mirror and place the contact lens on the tip of your index finger.
- Try putting your right lens in first every time so you don’t get them mixed up.
- This one’s important - make sure the contact lens isn’t inside out (it should be curved up to form a bowl shape).
- Use your free hand to pull your top eye lid up (to stop you blinking).
- Pull your bottom eyelid down, look up and place the lens on the white part at the bottom of the eye. Then look down into the lens to centre it. Once it’s in place, look down slowly and close your eyes for a moment.
- Open your eyes. Is the lens in position? If not just close your eye and try gently massaging it into place through your closed eyelid.
- Repeat with the other eye.
Removing your contacts properly
- Wash and dry your hands (as above).
- Remove your right lens first.
- Look into the mirror and pull your lower eyelid down with your middle finger, tilting your head forward.
- With your index finger, slide the contact lens down onto the white part of the eye while looking up at the same time.
- Gently pinch it off the eye with the thumb and index finger.
- Do the same on the other eye.
- And finally, clean and store it if it’s re-usable - or throw it away if it’s not.
Cleaning your contact lenses
Reusable contact lenses are great, but it’s important to make sure you clean and disinfect them properly to avoid eye infections.
- Always wash your hands before touching your lenses.
- Wash reusable lenses with a few drops of solution once you’ve taken them out.
- Place each lens in a clean case that is filled with solution.
- Clean your lens case daily and allow it to air dry.
- Replace your lens case monthly.
- Never re-use solution.
- Always have a spare, ready to use pair of contact lenses or glasses in case of emergency.
- Follow the advice of your optometrist.

We're here to help
Ask your optometrist if you have any questions about contact lenses or book a contact lens fit or refresh appointment today.
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